The jnani’s identity with all that is, is so complete, that as he responds to the universe, so does the universe respond to him.
I am the infinite expanse of consciousness in which innumerable persons emerge and disappear in endless succession.
Time is endless, though limited, eternity is in the split moment of the now.
Once you are well-established in the now, you have nowhere else to go; what you are timelessly, you express eternally.
I am entirely unimagined. I am what I am, not identifiable with any physical or mental state.
The world you think of is in your own mind. I can see it through your eyes & mind, but I am fully aware that it is a projection of memories.
There is a vastness beyond the farthest reaches of the mind. That vastness is my home; that vastness is myself.
Love is boundless. What is limited to a few cannot be called love.
All is within my consciousness; all is my own. It is madness to split oneself through likes & dislikes. I am beyond both. I am not alienated
M: Mind is ever shuttling between the past and the future. It will not stop to focus the now. It can be done with comparative ease, if interest is aroused.
Q: What arouses interest?
M: Earnestness, the sign of maturity.
Q: And how does maturity come about?
M: By keeping your mind clear and clean, by living your life in full awareness of every moment as it happens, by examining and dissolving one's desires and fears as soon as they arise.
Wonder is the dawn of wisdom. To be steadily and consistently wondering is sadhana.
Self-awareness is Yoga.
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