The present 'I am' is as false as the 'I was' & 'I shall be'. It is merely an idea in the mind…& the separate identity it creates is false.
You need not chase the 'I am' to kill it. You cannot. All you need is a sincere longing for reality…atma-bhakti, the love of the Supreme.
Merely talking about Reality without doing anything about it is self-defeating.
There must be love in the relation between the person who says 'I am' and the observer of that 'I am'.
As long as the observer… 'higher' self, considers himself apart from the observed, the 'lower' self, despises it…the situation is hopeless.
It is only when the observer accepts the person as a projection or manifestation of himself, and, so to say, takes the self into the Self,…
…the duality of 'I' and 'this' goes and in the identity of the outer and the inner the Supreme Reality manifests itself.
If you think that Buddha, Christ or Krishnamurti speak to the person, you are mistaken. (…)
(…) They know well that the vyakti, the outer self, is but a shadow of the vyakta, the inner self, & they address and admonish the vyakta only.
They tell him to give attention to the outer self, to guide and help it, to feel responsible for it; in short, to be fully aware of it.
Awareness comes from the Supreme and pervades the inner self; the so-called outer self is only that part of one's being of which one is not aware.
Affectionate awareness is the crucial factor that brings Reality into focus.
Where there is no mind, there is no back to it. I am all front, no back! The void speaks, the void remains.
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