18 December 2010

73. Death of the Mind is Birth of Wisdom

The very desire to be ready means that the Guru had come and the flame is lighted. It may be a stray word, or a page in a book.

The person is in unrest and resistance to the very end. It is the witness that works on the person, on the totality of its illusions.

To know that nothing is, is true knowledge.

Abandon false ideas, that is all. There is no need of true ideas. There aren't any.

The mind cannot know what is beyond the mind, but the mind is known by what is beyond it.

The knower of the known is not knowable.

The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom.

The man who carries a parcel is anxious not to lose it—he is parcel-conscious. The man who cherishes the feeling 'I am' is self-conscious.

Immortality is freedom from the feeling: 'I am'.

It is enough to bring you to the very frontiers of knowledge and make you face the immensity of the unknown. To dive in it is up to you.

The finite is the price of the infinite, as death is the price of immortality.

Freedom means letting go. People just do not care to let go everything.

The giving up is the first step. But the real giving up is in realizing that there is nothing to give up, for nothing is your own.

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